Hiromi concert blew our minds

Yesterday at Shoreditch Town Hall, I witnessed one of the best, if not the best, concerts I've ever seen in my life.


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Hiromi concert blew our minds

No Plan Can Be The Best Plan

Sometimes we do things on a whim.

No plan.

Only action.

This is what I did a few days ago and decided to go and see Hiromi in duet with Edmar Castañeda.

And it paid off enormously.

It was the best concert I've ever been to.

Previous Encounters

I've seen Hiromi in concerts few times before.

She played with different people.

One time I saw her play in a duet with Stanley Clarke.

This was my son Ernie's first ever gig.

He loved it so much he told me: 'Dad, I could stay here whole night listening to this.'

It was that good.

I also saw her play in a trio with Steve Smith and Anthony Jackson at Ronnie Scott's.

That concert went past so quick it felt like it lasted 5 minutes only.

Hiromi's concerts are around two hours long.

What Made This Concert Special

I didn't know who Edmar Castañeda was.

I booked the tickets because of Hiromi.

I promised myself to see her as often as possible for the rest of my life.

I consider her to be the best living pianist in the world.

This time round she had come to deliver her musical magic 15 minute walk from where I was working.

So I was going into this concert almost out of a duty to honour my own promise to myself.

I was not expecting a musical extravaganza of this nature.

How the circumstances can play a game on our minds though.

The Ultimate Musical Experience

From the first notes Edmar and Hiromi played, it was clear to me this was going to be epic.

The sound of the harp in the Shoreditch Town Hall resonated superemely well.

The deep bass frequencies were out of this world.

Harp and piano are a pure heavenly combination of instrumentation.

They are like a Ying and Yang of super harmonious cosmic combination.

These two superhumans put those wonderful instruments through their absolute paces.

Both as energy as well as speed of performance.

I cried through much of the concert.

I could not contain my tears during the concert.

I was well aware these people were channelling divine perfection through their fingers.

It was more than music.

It was the meaning of life and more of a sermon of a sort.

As the night went on Hiromi and Edmar kept on raising the atmosphere higher and higher.

Their piece 'Fire' was the peak of the night.

An absolute perfect masterpiece of Hiromi's composition, expression and performance skills.

She is a true all-round musician who still isn't recognised for who she is.

I know that the world will recognise her as the greatest pianist on the planet sooner or later.

Mark my words, wait and see.

Published on: 14 Oct 2017

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